header handled? §<script> window.goatcounter = { no_onload: (‘doNotTrack’ in navigator && navigator.doNotTrack === ‘1’), }; </script> <script data-goatcounter=“[..]” async src=“//”></script>
record pointing to your GoatCounter subdomain:
stats IN CNAME mine..
Then update the GoatCounter settings with your custom domain. It might take a
few hours for everything to work. mine.
will continue to
Note that Custom domains will not prevent adblockers from recognizing GoatCounter; it’s only intended as a “vanity domain”.
By my estimate about a third of pageviews are missed due to adblockers; but this
can vary greatly on the type of site and audience.
That said, there are some options:
Feel free to get in touch if you’ve got any questions or having any problems; a lot of times they can be resolved without too much problems.
Ways to contact me: show